Kickstart Inc


Obtaining business credit is difficult unless you know where to start and how to follow through. More than half of businesses will fail within five years or less. In addition, most business failures are due to a lack of cash flow and access to financing.


Business Credit is properly developed separate from your personal credit profile. Business credit must separate your business liability and your business credit report from your consumer credit reports. The key is to develop business credit so any business failure will not ruin your personal credit.


Business Credit

To access business credit, first ready the small business to make it look acceptable to vendors, lenders, and the banks. How does that happen? Consistent information must be disclosed between the Secretary of State, the business licenses, and information on the business credit application. Business credit is important to obtain the best terms and to access more funding than what’s available through personal credit. How does this happen? Know the criteria set by business lenders before applying for a business loan. Obtain business credit for under your business EIN instead of building credit under your SSN. All this is possible once the company is compliant with the business licenses, occupation licenses, filings with the Secretary of State, and the information is consistent across all points and on the application. Consistency is key for the business to receive financing and access to capital.

Improve Your Fundability Through Preparation

Have you ever applied for a business credit card and received an automated instant approval? Lenders and credit issuers have an unpublished set of standards in their Artificial Intelligence computerized system that enables quick approval for business credit. The key to business credit is preparing your company in advance of the application. Those standards involve meeting certain criteria. We help you meet that criteria before the application.

There are certain standards to meet for an automated business loan approval, or your business shall be automatically denied. Some fundability factors include the type of business entity under which you operate. Always use a corporation or an LLC. Don’t use a sole proprietorship.

Don’t use a personal cell phone or a home phone. Always use a toll free line or a commercial telephone line tied to the commercial business address.

You must register the phone number with 411 and other directories.

The key here is that the information on your business from public sources must match the information on the loan application and on all directories. Consistency is key.

Seek congruency and consistency in business licensing.

The company needs a business account. Don’t use a personal account for your business.

Apply for the business credit under the EIN, not under your SSN.

Even if you’re ready to apply for business funding, most business loans applications are denied because of potential fraud concerns. Business Lenders combat fraud by matching your company and application details against other data they have from places through LexisNexis, Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, The Small Business Financial Exchange, Equifax, and ChexSystems.

LexisNexis reports on almost all public sources of information, such as present and previous residence addresses, prior homes owned, the building materials for your home; HOA info, the title company used; the interest rate; the loan amount, the terms of the loan, other liens and the connecting loans, the types of loans involved, present and prior phone numbers under your name, present and prior emails used and criminal and moving violations, aircraft and boat records, etc.

Build Business Credit under your Business EIN instead of your SSN.

When your business applies for funding, a decision is made based on the business credit and not of your personal credit. For this to properly serve to your advantage, build the business credit under your EIN, not under your SSN. In this way, the business loan approval or doesn’t impact your personal credit. Business credit doesn’t require a good personal credit score. There’s business credit available without a personal guarantee, and the inquiries don’t impact your personal credit.

Business credit limits are 10-50 times greater than consumer credit. Build business credit quickly as payment history influences the credit score, and doesn’t impact your personal credit. This establishes your credibility with lenders, suppliers, and credit issuers.

One account reporting to a business credit bureau may change a failing score to a great score and increase the borrowing capacity of your small business. As you continue to grow your business credit, the business reporting agencies recommend you for additional lines of credit, this assists in obtaining approvals for greater levels of business credit. Any business can qualify for business credit, including startups, non-profits, owners outside of the U.S, and people who own multiple businesses. Your business can obtain an approval even when you can’t get any type of loan or credit line, There are no cash flow requirements. There’s no collateral is required, and there are no consumer credit requirements.

How to Build Initial Business Credit

In order to get initial business credit, credit must report to business credit reporting bureaus. Business credit issuers may approve with no current business credit history. Loans are available with or without a personal guarantee.

Building Business Credit under the Company’s EIN Has It’s Advantages

Access a line of credit over $100,000 under the EIN of the company. The interest rate is under 5 percent and there are No DOC loans available. You are able to take cash out, and startups and business credit partners are welcome. There are no collateral or cash flow requirements. Multiple cards may be approved. Business and standard credit cards are available.

Start your Business Credit Profile with Business Vendors that Report to Business Credit Bureaus

Access vendors without a personal guarantee and without a personal credit check. Some trade vendors may require a minimum purchase, and you must use vendors who report to the business credit reporting bureaus. This is important to your small business. The best Vendors to build your business credit profile? Please consider Uline, Crown Office Supplies, and Supply Works.

Steps to Build Credit under your business EIN.

In order to build credit under your company’s EIN, start with at least five or more vendor credit accounts that report to the business credit bureaus. Then apply for eight or Retail Credit accounts that report. Then apply for eight or more Fleet Credit Tier accounts. After that, apply for fourteen or more business credit accounts that offer a $10,000 or other high limit accounts. Thereafter, apply for a Credit Cash Tier and auto financing. Don’t authorize a personal guarantee or a personal credit check. Use the credit you access, pay the bills early, apply for more loans and credit lines that report to the business credit bureaus.

Access more funding for your small business.

As an entrepreneur, access the funds you need, when needed. You’re caught at a disadvantage when you don’t know the approval standards. You’re also at a disadvantage when you don’t have business credit, when you’re not able to access all funding options. Where do you start? We partnered with Credit Suite’s Business Finance Suite to help you access all three to get the most finding at the best terms.

There’s no guarantee of business credit or business funding results.